Current Affairs 25th September


National Affairs

1. Kisan e-Mitra: Union MoS Kailash Choudhary Launched AI Chatbot for PM-KISAN Scheme

Kailash Choudhary, Pastor of State (MoS) for the Service of Agribusiness and Ranchers Government assistance (MoA&FW), sent off “Kisan e-Mitra”, a man-made intelligence (Computerized reasoning) Chatbot for the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) Plan in New Delhi, Delhi.

The chatbot will upgrade the effectiveness and availability of the PM-KISAN plot, giving ranchers quick, clear, and effectively available reactions to their requests.


Focuses to note:

The MoA&FW effectively incorporated man-made intelligence chatbots into government plans. This is the first computer-based intelligence Chatbot incorporated with a significant Association government leader conspire.

This drive is in accordance with the Public Authority of India’s (GoI) vision of utilizing innovation to improve ranchers’ lives and administration.


About Kisan e-Mitra:

Objective: In the presentation of the artificial intelligence chatbot in the PM-KISAN complaint the executive’s framework is pointed toward engaging ranchers with an easy-to-understand and open stage.


The simulated intelligence Chatbot goes about as an exhaustive aide for the recipients, furnishing them with ideal and precise reactions to their inquiries connected with the plan.

It has been created and improved fully supported by the EKstep Establishment and Bhashini.

In the underlying stage, the simulated intelligence chatbot helps ranchers with:

  • Application status questions.
  • Installment subtleties.
  • Ineligibility status.
  • Plot-related refreshes.

The man-made intelligence Chatbot, available through the PM KISAN versatile application, is incorporated with Bhashini for multilingual help, tending to the etymological and territorial variety among PM KISAN recipients.

Presently, the Chatbot is accessible in English, Hindi, Bengali, Odia, and Tamil. In a short period, it will be made accessible in each of the 22 authority dialects of India.

Benefits: The artificial intelligence Chatbot will assist in getting to with plotting data and settling complaints.

The extent of this assistance needs to widen with other related issues like climate data, soil conditions bank installments, and others.

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) Plan:

The PM-KISAN is a focal area plot sent off in February 2019 to help the monetary requirements of land-holding ranchers in India (with 100 percent subsidizing from GoI).

The plan offers a yearly monetary advantage of Rs 6,000, in 3 equivalent portions to qualified ranchers’ families through Direct Advantage Move (DBT) mode.

2. The Department of Social Justice & Empowerment and All World Gayatri Pariwar signed an MoU for NMBA awareness

On September 22, 2023, a Notice of Grasping (MoU) was inked between the Division of Civil Rights and Strengthening under the Service of Civil Rights and Strengthening (MoSJ&E), and All World Gayatri Pariwar at Dr. Ambedkar Worldwide Center in New Delhi, Delhi for spreading the message of NMBA among the adolescents, ladies, understudies, and the local area under the flag of All World Gayatri Pariwar.

This MoU is a lift towards accomplishing the target of medication-sharpened India. The MoU was endorsed within the sight of Association Clergyman Dr. Virendra Kumar, MoSJ&E, Dr. Chinmay Pandya, and All World Gayatri Pariwar, among others.


Central issues:

Liquor is the most often involved psychoactive substance in India, trailed by Marijuana also, Narcotics, as per the primary extensive Public Study on Substance Use led by the Division of Civil Rights and Strengthening through the Public Medication Reliance Therapy Center (NDDTC) at AIIMS (All India Organization of Clinical Sciences), New Delhi.

MoSJ&E is effectively battling drug interest through the execution of the Public Activity Plan for Medication Request Decrease (NAPDDR).

NAPDDR is an umbrella plan that gives monetary help to State Legislatures also, Association Domains (UTs) for different drives, including Preventive Schooling and Mindfulness Age, Limit Building, Expertise Advancement, Professional Preparation, and support for the job of previous medication junkies.

About Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (NMBA):

In August 2020, MoSJ&E formed and sent off NMBA in 272 Locale across 32 State/Association Regions are distinguished as most weak concerning the use of medications. Its point is to make mindfulness about the sick impacts of substance maltreatment among the young, with an extraordinary spotlight on advanced education establishments, college grounds, and schools, among others.

International Affairs

1. SIMBEX 2023: Indian Navy Conducts Maritime Exercise with Singapore at South China Sea 

The Indian Naval Force (IN) and the Republic of Singapore Naval Force (RSN) take part in the 30th version of the Singapore-India Sea Respective Activity (SIMBEX 2023), a joint maritime battle workout, from 21st to 28th September 2023 in the southern pieces of the South China Ocean off the bank of Singapore.


Two Stages:

SIMBEX 2023 is led in two stages including the land stage and the ocean stage.


Land Stage:

The land stage will incorporate tabletop exercises and arranging gatherings. It is held from 21st to 24th September 2023 at RSS Singapura – Changi Maritime Base, Singapore.


Ocean Stage:

The ocean stage will see the naval forces participate in different maritime drills, including hostile-to-submarine fighting and live weapon discharging.

It is held from 25th to 28th September 2023 in the southern scopes of the South China Ocean in worldwide waters.

The Harbor Stage will observe many expert cooperations, cross-deck visits, Informed authority Trades (SMEE), and sports installations, pointed toward upgrading interoperability and shared grasping between the two naval forces.



Indian Naval force’s Rajput-class destroyer INS Ranvijay, Kamorta-class corvette INS Kavaratti, Sindhughosh class diesel-electric submarine INS Sindhukesari and a P-8I sea watch airplanes are participating in this activity.

The Republic of Singapore Naval force’s two Considerable class frigates Republic of Singapore Boat (RSS) Robust and RSS Persevering, an S-70B maritime helicopter, and the Triumph class rocket corvette RSS Boldness are participating in this activity.

The Republic of Singapore Flying Corps (RSAF) is likewise partaking in the activity with a

Fokker-50 oceanic watch airplane and four F-15SG contender airplanes.



During the initial function, RSN’s Armada Leader Colonel (COL) Kwan Hon Chuong and

India’s Eastern Maritime Order Banner Official Telling in-Boss Bad Habit Chief of Naval Operations Rajesh Pendharkar uncovered the dedicatory logo of its 30th version of the two-sided workout.


SIMBEX, first held in 1994, is the longest persistent maritime activity that India has had

with some other country. Indian Naval force facilitated the 29th version of SIMBEX in October 2022 at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh(AP), India.

Banking and Finance

1. UPNEDA and SIDBI Signed an MoU to Promote Green Projects

A Reminder of Figuring out (MoU) has been inked between the Uttar Pradesh New

furthermore, the Sustainable Power Advancement Organization (UPNEDA), and Little Enterprises Improvement Bank of India (SIDBI) for solarization of private units in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh (UP), and for bio-energy and sustainable undertaking funding.

The understanding was inked during an occasion coordinated in the SIDBI’s Lucknow Office in UP.

This MoU will help in advancing sun-oriented energy, and energize developments for climate

well-disposed projects.

It ought to be noticed that the State Administration of UP has designated Ayodhya to be

created as a sunlight-based City.


Central issues:

During the occasion, accentuation was laid on making mindfulness about advanced and most recent drives being attempted by SIDBI through ‘Special mission for Funding Sun based/ Green Undertakings’ for Miniature, Little and Medium Ventures (MSME) area.

It ought to be noted that the Focal Government is introducing sun-oriented roof boards in 2500 MSMEs, and furthermore targets a 30% jolt of vehicles continuously in 2030, under the

EV30@30 mission. SIDBI is supporting the two missions of the Public authority.

Through this occasion, data was divided between MSMEs with respect to the sun-based and green projects and direct funding items being presented by SIDBI.

2. Axis Bank launches ‘NEO for Business’ for MSMEs

On September 21, 2023, Pivot Bank sent off ‘NEO for Business’, an unmistakable one-stop

Exchange Banking stage for Indian Miniature, Little, and Medium Endeavors (MSMEs). This

is a first-of-its-sort far-reaching computerized suggestion that upholds genuine, current, and

arising Exchange Banking needs of MSMEs.

It has contemporary UX (Client Experience)/UI (UI) alongside bank-grade

security highlights.

“NEO for Business” is the most recent send-off as a component of the “NEO by Pivot Bank” marking. NEO by Pivot Bank is the computerized financial suggestion for its corporate financial clients/clients.


About NEO for Business:

It offers a wide cluster of Banking and Past Financial elements, for example, Advanced self onboarding, Mass Installments, GST Agreeable Invoicing, Installment Passage incorporation, 360° Client View, Start to finish Exchange Following, Auto Compromise, Repeating Assortments, and Income Reports, among others.

These highlights make banking more straightforward for MSMEs, permitting them to do exchanges without going to a bank office.

Hub Bank’s Current Record holders can get to NEO for Business on Versatile

through an application or web enrollment. At first, it serves sole owners and people in the

MSME area, with plans to extend to organizations, associations, and LLPs (Restricted Responsibility Association).

3. Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Launched Interoperable Cardless Cash Withdrawal (ICCW) Using UPI on ATMs

Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Restricted (USFBL) sent off Interoperable Cardless Money

Withdrawal (ICCW) administration with a plan to permit Bound together Installment Point of interaction (UPI) empowered cardless money withdrawal from Utkarsh Little Money Bank Mechanized Teller Machine (ATM).

This is in accordance with notice ‘ICCW at ATMs’ delivered by Save Bank of India(RBI) in 2022 under Segment 10(2) read with Area 18 of the Installment and Settlement Frameworks Act, 2007 (Act 51 of 2007). ICCW is otherwise called UPI-ATM; It empowers withdrawal through a Fast Response(QR) code.


About ICCW:

Card-less money withdrawal through ATMs is an allowed method of exchange presented by a not many banks in India on an on-us and Off-us premise.

UPI clients can pull out cash from any taking part banks’ ATMs (empowered for UPI-ATM) by means of a UPI portable application as opposed to utilizing an actual card.

By examining the single-utilize dynamic QR code shown on the ATM screen and approving the exchange with a UPI PIN, a client can pull out cash from an ATM.

All things considered, clients can appreciate up to two ICCW exchanges each day per account, with a withdrawal cutoff of Rs. 10,000/ – per exchange.


Key Elements of ICCW:

ICCW permits clients to pull out cash from any ATM, paying little mind to which bank they use. This is particularly helpful for individuals who have various financial balances. Since the entire exchange is cardless, the card-related cheats like skimming, cloning and so on can be decreased.

The interaction is viewed as better as it utilizes a dynamic QR code for each exchange. Clients need not convey numerous credit/check cards.

It will be helpful for clients who have finished KYC (Know Your Client) but have not yet gotten an actual card.

ICCW permits Money withdrawal from Various UPI-Connected Records alongside smoothed-out collaboration with ATM Machines.

Science and Technology

1. Delhi LG VK Saxena launches Vigilance Complaint Information Management System Portal

The Lieutenant Legislative leader of Delhi, Vinai Kumar (VK) Saxena dispatches the first of its

kind Cautiousness Objection Data The board Framework (VCIMS) entrance empowers individuals to record and join grumblings against government representatives whenever from any place.


Objections can be connected with the watchfulness/defilement/request of payoff. With straightforwardness and mystery, this entry will screen grumblings and start rapid activity. This entrance demands just a single-time enlistment.


Central issues:


To guarantee that main veritable objections are documented on the entryway, it is commanded for the complainants to present an e-undertaking so he/she can be indicted under area 182 of IPC ( Indian Reformatory Code) for giving misleading data to community workers. Grumblings against defilement in actual structure won’t be acknowledged. This device will help with accomplishing the objective of no resilience to debasement.


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