Individual courses

Indian History

Tirumal classes here will surely guide you get through every important date and the event in history of India which will help you clear the exam.


Guidance on Indian History for UPSC in Hyderabad


If you are looking forward to writing the UPSC exam then there are many important topics which you need to prepare for and Indian History is one of them. Tirumal classes here will surely guide you to get through every important date and event in the history of India which will help you clear the exam.

Tirumal Classes provides one of the best UPSC coachings in Hyderabad. Tirumal Classes started in the year 2020 at Hyderabad. The vision of Tirumal class is to make our students’ dreams come true. We assure you to guide and help in Indian history and provide you with everything which you are looking for.

Tirumal classes also provide online as well as offline classes which will be very helpful and effective for students in which you can get access to recorded classes and attend the class in the best way possible.

Indian History for UPSC in Hyderabad.


Indian history plays an important role in UPSC and covers the major part of the exam. Indian history is present in the prelims as well as in the main exam. The history is divided into ancient history and modern history which has the things about the culture, tradition and heritage of the country.

Ancient history comprises the history of the early verdict period from 1500 – 900 BCE and the later verdict period from 900 – 600 BCE wherein many more topics will be covered in this which will come across prelims and in the mains.

Modern history has everything from the middle of the 18th century to 1947 which include all the phases of freedom struggle and movements which took place at that time.all these will be majorly asked in the mains exam of UPSC.

If you are looking forward to writing the UPSC exam then there are many important topics which you need to prepare for and Indian History. Tirumal classes here will surely guide you to get through every important date and event in the history of India which will help you clear the exam. You can get yourself enrolled.

Important Topics for Indian History for UPSC

  • Harappan civilization
  • Stone age
  • Mughal empire
  • Gupta empire
  • Temple architecture styles
  • Literature and Philosophy
  • Dance, music, painting, food, fairs.
  • Modern period
  • Mediaeval period

All these topics cover the major part of the exam as well as many more topics which will be included in the prelims and main exam.

Different types of art which are included in UPSC

  • Mauryan period which had court art.
  • Post Mauryan period which consisted of modern art.
  • Harapan is also called utilitarian art.
  • The Gupta period consisted of religious art.
  • The mugals period had the golden period of architecture.

All these art forms are very important when it comes to writing the UPSC exam. And Tirumal classes here are available to teach you all about the history and art forms which will help you crack the UPSC exam. Tirumal classes also provide online as well as offline classes which will be very helpful and effective for students in which you can get access to recorded classes and attend the class in the best way possible.

Books of Indian History for UPSC Preparation

  • India’s Struggle for Independence and History of Modern India – Bipan Chandra
  • Indian Art and Culture – Nitin Singhania
  • Mastering Modern World History – Norman Lowe
  • History of Modern World – written by Jain and Mathur
  • India After Gandhi – Ramchandra Guha
  • India’s Ancient Past – RS Sharma

In Tirumal classes, if you get enrolled you can also prepare from the notes of the most experienced Professor and also from our Podcast which will be very helpful for the candidates.

Preparation of Indian History for UPSC

If you are preparing for the Indian History for UPSC then you need to prepare in a smart way by keeping the question paper in mind and here is the pattern of questions which may be asked in the exam.

Paper 1

  • Indus Valley civilization.
  • Mauryan empire and post-Mauryan emperor.
  • Period of mahajanapadas, verdict period.
  • Early Indian cultural history.
  • From Gupta to Vardana era.
  • India’s culture, tradition and early mediaeval period.

Paper 2

  • British expansion and British rule in India.
  • Economic impact and developments in India by British rule.
  • Social and religious movements in India.
  • Revolutionary national movements.
  • The Muslim League
  • Caste systems, political change and the birth of modern history.
  • imperial, industrialization and colonisation.
  • World wars and their effects.

All the major topics in the UPSC exam come from history and it is very important for you to get to know very important events which occurred in history. . Tirumal classes here will surely guide you to get through every important date and event in the history of India which will help you clear the exam. You can get yourself enrolled as soon as the new batch starts.

Reasons for Choosing Tirumal Classes

Tirumal Classes provides one of the best UPSC coaching in Hyderabad. Tirumal Classes are started in the year 2020 at Hyderabad. The vision of Tirumal class is to make our students’ dreams come true. We assure you to guide and help in Indian history and provide with everything which you are looking for. Tirumal Classes in Hyderabad are always ready to guide you and keep updating you on Indian history. We help you to prepare for the IAS exam. If you are looking for a Guidance or Academy for Indian classes then visit or contact Tirumal Classes. We also provide online and as well as offline classes which will be very efficient and helpful for every candidate. There are podcasts and recorded sessions which will be really helpful for everyone.

Faqs Related to Individual Guidance on Indian History

No, just NCERT books won’t be enough. You need to refer to many other books as well.

The best way to prepare for history is firstly to prepare your own notes which will make you understand and remember things and refer to all the textbooks along with doing proper revisions.

Indian History is divided into Ancient history and modern History. Which is divided as paper 1 and paper 2 in the UPSC exam.

Indian history is very important for the UPSC exam as the major part of the exam paper consists of history.

The modern history is from the middle 18th century to 1947 which consists of British rule along with different movements.