Get ready for UPSC CSE exams using these 5 steps
UPSC Cse comes under one of the most prestigious exams in India. Lakhs of candidates appear for the UPSC CSE exam every year. If you are one of those who want to crack UPSC CSE exam and are confused then these 5 steps will help you to crack exams.1. Forget about the myths of UPSC
From various academic backgrounds students apply for civil service examinations looking at the scope of career and contribution to the society. Forget and don’t believe any myths and rumours spreading regarding UPSC CSE. Nowadays it is rapidly becoming critical to not only gain conceptual clarity and also be able to correlate with the current landscape.
Choosing to be a civil servant is not only for the secure job it is not a job for only earring for bread, The candidates should go through the syllabus regularly to have a grip over the exam demand.
If you are preparing for UPSC CSE and looking for guidance from experienced faculty then visit or contact Tirumal Classes in Hyderabad.
2. Perfect Planning
Plan perfectly for the UPSC CSE exam for 12 months. Plan for both prelims and Main Examinations. Divide the syllabus for 12 months and keep an extra time for revision.
January to March : First target all static subjects ( history, polity, geography, etc ) of UPSC and also decide the Optional subject for UPSC Mains.
April to June : Prepare for Optional Subjects and give some time daily for General Studies subjects for both UPSC Prelims as well as Mains.
July to September : Speed up the preparation by adding answer writing practice and give a day every week for essay writing .
October to December : These days give time only for revision of optional and all general studies subjects of UPSC Mains. Revision is the most important part of preparation to crack or get ready for UPSC CSE Examination.
This approach is for new aspirants. Candidates who have not followed properly and appear for exams again have different ways to strengthen their knowledge.
3. Read and Note from NewsPapers :
Candidates should read and make a note of current affairs from the newspaper regularly and consistently as a task. Students who made a habit of reading newspapers as well as the syllabus according to the time table almost won half the battle in UPSC CSE Exam preparation.
If you postpone the current affairs for the later half of preparation it will be a burden at the end. Newspapers come regularly so you need to read and understand properly as well as you need to try to link it with regular subjects.
4. Follow good content from online sites
Content is a key for UPSC preparation, but it can also be confusing if students waste time in the online site with no clarity of content and resources. Lots of information is flooded in online sites.
Also it is so hard to choose the online site for content. Choose the site which saves your time as well as you get the required information from it.
5. Analyse UPSC Paper pattern
Analyse what questions are asked from which subjects in the syllabus. You need to analyse most of the previous question papers so that you will get an idea of what type of questions are asked and what you should concentrate more on. Look where you lag in the preparation and start preparing and revising.
Tirumal Classes are the best IAS Academy in Hyderabad. You will be prepared well and individually guided by the experienced faculty members. For any enquiries visit or contact Tirumal Classes in Hyderabad.
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