Every optional has a “cut-off” mark. Hence, is it better to choose one with a low “cut-off”?

What is the meaning of cut off? Only 10000 qualify at the preliminary. The marks scored by the last candidate is the cut-off. Thus all candidates who score more than the cut-off will qualify and those who don’t will not. This is a competitive examination.

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Certain optional have better prospects at the preliminary?

The UPSC offers 23 optional in the preliminary. All optional offer equal chances of success. Usually the ”scaling System ” is followed. This method may be explained as follows: Total no. of candidates appearing at the examination with various optional = 1,00,00. Total no. of

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Only highly intelligent students with an excellent academic record are successful in the IAS examination?

We cannot call someone highly intelligent just because he/she scores 100% in maths or physics in 10th or 12th grade, or a student who is the topper in the class is intelligent. The face is, the notion of intelligence varies from student to student. a

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Can candidates discuss cultural diversity in the interview?

Absolutely, discussing cultural diversity in the interview is encouraged, as it showcases your recognition of the importance of multiculturalism and inclusivity in administrative roles. Cultural diversity is a significant aspect of modern society, and civil servants often interact with diverse communities. You can share instances where you have

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How can candidates address questions about their motivations in the interview?

When addressing questions about motivations in the interview, candidates should provide sincere and well-thought-out responses. Share specific instances or experiences that ignited your interest in civil services. It could be a personal encounter, a social issue you're passionate about, or a desire to contribute to nation-building. Elaborate on

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What is the significance of understanding technological regulations?

Understanding technological regulations is crucial in the modern world where technology plays a pivotal role in various sectors. Technological regulations encompass legal frameworks, ethical considerations, and guidelines governing the development, use, and impact of technologies. By comprehending these regulations, you gain insights into issues related to data privacy, cybersecurity,

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