Current Affairs 19th September


National Affairs

1. Highlights of PM Narendra Modi to Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh


On September 14, 2023, the State head (PM) of India Narendra Modi visited Bina in

Madhya Pradesh (MP) and Raigarh, Chhattisgarh. The PM established the groundwork stone of undertakings worth more than Rs. 50,700 crore in Bina, MP. The projects remembers Petrochemical Complex for Bina, a Power and Sustainable power Fabricating Zone in Narmadapuram , IT (Data Innovation) parks in Indore, Mega Modern Park in Ratlam; furthermore, 6 new modern regions across MP.


The establishment stone is laid for the Petrochemical Complex at Bina Treatment facility by Bharat Petrol Partnership Restricted (BPCL). The perplexing will be created at an expense of ~Rs 49,000 crore .


During his visit to Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, he committed significant rail area projects, and

established the groundwork stone of ‘basic consideration blocks’ in nine areas of Chattisgarh and furthermore disperse one Lakh sickle cell guiding cards.

2. AH&D Along with WOAH Collaborates to Strengthen One Health Approach for Pandemic Preparedness

The Branch of Animal Cultivation and Dairying (AH&D) under the Service of Fisheries Animal Farming and Dairying as a team with the World Association for Animal Wellbeing

(WOAH) coordinated a multi-sectoral studio named “Hazard based administration of spill

over occasions in untamed life in India ” The studio meant to reinforce the significance of a One Wellbeing approach, crosssectoral coordinated effort, and pandemic readiness.


About the studio:


Four principal targets:


Improving partner information about untamed life beginning infection risk examination

Leading a complete hole examination of India’s gamble evaluation and the board

Mimicking illness overflow situations Advancing correspondence and mindfulness among applicable partners.


The studio contained seven meetings, including two devoted to take a chance with investigation reenactments (one for infection X and one intended for India).


What is One Wellbeing?


‘One Wellbeing’ is a coordinated, bringing together way to deal with balance and enhance the soundness of individuals, creatures and the climate.


It is especially critical to forestall, anticipate, recognize, and answer worldwide wellbeing dangers like the Coronavirus pandemic.


Extra data:


Countries must improve their preparedness for future pandemics, as COVID-19 demonstrated.


WOAH is working with Quadripartite, including the Unified Countries Food and Agribusiness Association (FAO), World Wellbeing Association (WHO), and Joined Countries Climate Program (UNEP), to resolve these basic issues.

3. Union Minister Parshottam Rupala Launches Shrimp Crop Insurance Scheme

Shrimp Crop Insurance, developed by Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) with support from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) – Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (CIBA), was launched by Union Minister Parshottam Rupala, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairy (MoFAHD).


The plan was sent off during the ICAR-CIBA’s second release of Shrimp Ranchers

Conference 2023 at the Navsari Horticultural College Grounds in Navsari, Gujarat on fourteenth September 2023.


Key individuals:


The conference was introduced by association serve Parshottam Rupala.

C.R. Patil, Individual from Parliament(MP-Lok Sabha) (Navsari electorate) took part in the

Meeting as Visitor of Honor.


Grija Subramanian, Administrator cum Overseeing Head of AIC, Dr. J. K. Jena, Appointee

Chief General (Fisheries) of ICAR, Dr. Kuldeep K Lal, Chief, ICAR-CIBA, and other

senior authorities were available during the occasion.


About AIC’s Shrimp Yield Protection conspire:


AIC fostered the Shrimp Harvest Protection plot as a team with ICAR-CIBA.


The AIC’s Shrimp Harvest Protection conspire is open for dark tiger prawn, white leg shrimp, scampi and others.


The protection inclusion stretches out from the primary stage to 130 days, or until the shrimps are completely developed.


About the Shrimp Farmers Conclave hosted by ICAR and CIBA:


Shrimp Ranchers Conference gave a gathering to water ranchers to share bits of knowledge, banter troubles, and investigate potential in the shrimp cultivating industry, lined up with the government’s objectives to work on India’s fisheries and hydroponics areas.


The National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), which is part of the government, provided financial support for the conclave. of India under the PMMSY plot, NABARD, SCAFi and Rural Protection Organization Ltd.


Features of the Meeting:


CIBA signed two Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) during the conclave:


CIBA marked a MoU with Public Fisheries Improvement Board (NFDB) for executing

the yield insurance for hydroponics with payment appropriation presented by the NFDB.

CIBA likewise marked a MoU with Fish Ranchers Maker Association (FFPO) of Gujarat to

offer innovation support.


Rupala gave over a check for Rs 40.05 lakhs in income procured by Booked Ranks

(SCs), Booked Clans (STs), and Enclosure Culture recipients in the Navsari locale through

the reception of CIBA innovation for work improvement upheld by Navsari Gujarat

Research Center (NGRC)- CIBA researchers. He additionally gave over the CIBA delivered Asian ocean bass fish seeds to the ranchers.


During the gathering, ranchers were cleared up how for report arising illness microorganisms in the “Report Fish Sickness Application”.

4. Andhra Pradesh’s Sweet ‘Atreyapuram Pootharekulu’ gets GI tag

Andhra Pradesh’s “Atreyapuram Pootharekulu,” a rice and jaggery sweet, has received GI tags from the Geographical Indications Registry (GIR).


GIR under the Division of Industry Advancement and Inside Exchange (DIPIT), the Service

of Trade and Industry (MoCI) had enrolled ‘Atreyapuram Pootharekulu’ sweet

assortment under the ‘Food Stuffs’ class. Andhra Pradesh’s Konaseema district is home to the village of Atreyapuram.


Central issues:


GI Testament Handover Function was held at the Damodaram Sanjivayya Public Regulation University(DSNLU), Visakhapatnam on the event of the public studio on “Topographical Signs and GI Testament Handover Service for Atreyapuram Pootharekulu” The occasion, coordinated by the Middle for Licensed innovation Privileges and Innovation Gathering, united specialists and dignitaries.


The GI tag was allowed to Sir Arthur Cotton Atreyapuram Putharekula Makers Government assistance Relationship with an approval period from fourteenth June 2023 to twelfth December 2031.


About Putharekula:


Putharekula is the skinny rice starch layer looking like paper and is loaded down with sugar, dry products of the soil. Putharekulu signifies ‘covered sheet’ in the Telugu. pootha signifies ‘covering’ and reku (putharekulu) signifies ‘sheet’.


The sweet producers incline toward the MTU-3626 paddy assortment privately known as ‘Bondalu’ which is widely filled in the Konaseema locale to make the sweet.

International Affairs

1. India and Russia Agreed to Train Indian Seafarers in Polar and Arctic Waters

India and Russia agreed to train Indian seafarers in polar and arctic waters at the Russian Maritime Training Institute, which is named for GI Admiral Nevelsky and has simulator facilities and is located in Vladivostok, Russia.


The choice to prepare Indian sailors occurred during a gathering between the Association

Pastor of Ports, Delivery and Streams Sarbananda Sonowal and A.O. Chekunkov,

the Pastor of the Russian Organization for the Advancement of the Far East and the Cold

in Vladivostok, Russia.


Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal also attended the 8th Eastern Economic Forum meeting from September 10 to 13, 2023, in Vladivostok, Russia.


Central issues:


India and Russia are set to investigate the chance of utilizing new vehicle hallways, for example, the Northern Ocean Course (NSR) as well as the Eastern Sea Hallway (EMC) between Vladivostok and Chennai to broaden oceanic participation.


India likewise welcomed Russia to take part in the Worldwide Oceanic India Culmination 2023, set to be held from seventeenth to nineteenth October in Mumbai, Maharashtra.


Eastern Sea Corridor(EMC):


The Eastern Maritime Corridor will link Vladivostok, which is on the Golden Horn Bay north of North Korea and a short distance from Russia’s border with China, to Chennai (Tamil Nadu).


The distance between the Chennai-Vladivostok ocean course is around 5,600 nautical

miles (10371 kilometers).


EMC could decrease the travel time among Indian and Russian ports in the Far East

District by up to 40%, from 40 days to 24 days.


Sonowal stretched out a solicitation to an Indo-Russian studio on the EMC, set to be held

from 30th October to first November 2023 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.


Northern Ocean Route(NSR):


The Northern Ocean Course runs along Russia’s northern shoreline and is the most limited delivery course between East Asia and Europe.


The Course, which traverses 5,600 km, starts at the limit between the Barents and Kara

oceans (Kara Waterway) and completions at the Bering Waterway (Provideniya Inlet).

When compared to the Suez or Panama routes that are currently in use, NSR reduces travel distance by up to fifty percent.

Banking and Finance

1. RBI releases list of 15 NBFCs in ‘Upper Layer’ under SBR

On September 15, 2023, the Save Bank of India (RBI) delivered the names of 15 NonBanking Monetary Organizations (NBFCs) in the Upper Layer (UL)/NBFC-UL under Scale Based Guideline for NBFCs for the year 2023-24.


In 2021, RBI gave the Scale Based Guideline (SBR): A Reconsidered Administrative Structure for NBFCs (the structure) which classifies NBFCs in NBFC-BL (Base Layer), NBFC-ML (Center Layer), NBFC-UL (Upper Layer), and NBFC-TL (Top Layer) according to their resource size and scoring technique.


The rundown of NBFC-UL for 2023-24 incorporate LIC Lodging Money Restricted, Bajaj Money Restricted, Shriram Money Restricted (previously Shriram Transport Money Organization Restricted), among others.

2. Indian Bank Launched ‘IB SAATHI’ to enhance banking services

Indian Bank has sent off another drive called IB(Indian Bank) SAATHI (Maintainable

Access and Adjusting Innovation for All encompassing Consideration), to give essential banking administrations at all communities for at least four hours out of each day in fixed outlets through the business reporter (BC) channel.


The drive was sent off by Shanti Lal Jain who is the Overseeing Director(MD) and Boss

Chief Officer(CEO) of Indian Bank in Chennai, Tamilnadu.


The program makes it more straightforward for clients to access and utilize banking administrations, and it likewise offers both essential and worth added administrations to clients.


Extra BCs and CBCs:


To carry out the drive, Indian Bank needs to have more than 5,000 recently designated

new BCs (by Walk 2024) alongside 15 Corporate Business Journalists (CBCs).

As of now, they have just 10,750 BCs and 10 CBCs. Indian Bank offers 36 distinct administrations to clients through its BC channel.


Business Reporter:


They are people or organizations appointed by banks to bring banking services closer to people who live in areas that aren’t well-served.


These specialists assume a critical part in growing the compass of banking administrations to networks that might not have simple admittance to conventional bank offices.

Science and Technology

1. Swachhata Special Campaign 3.0 Portal Launched to Reduce Pendency in Govt Offices

On fourteenth September 2023, Dr. Jitendra Singh, Priest of State (Free Charge)

Science and Innovation, sent off committed site to screen Swachhata Mission 3.0

furthermore, Extraordinary Mission for Removal of Forthcoming Issues (SCDPM) 2023 at Public Media Focus, New Delhi, Delhi.


The Branch of Authoritative Changes and Public Complaints (DARPG) under the Service of Faculty, Public Complaints and Benefits is the Nodal Division for the execution of this Mission.


The gateway is planned, created and facilitated by the Public Informatics Place (NIC),

Service of Hardware and Data Innovation (MeitY).


Note: On August 15, 2014, Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi launched the Swachhata campaign, a mass awareness campaign.


Key Individuals:


The send off service was gone to by Nodal Officials of Public Complaints and Re-appraising

Experts in every one of the 84 Services/Branches of Legislature of India.


3.0 Special Campaign:


The public authority will sort out Exceptional Mission 3.0 on the lines of the Unique Missions held in 2021 and 2022 on a similar subject.


Under this Extraordinary Mission, the objective has been set to embrace a tidiness crusade at 1.5 lakh locales, opening up 100 lakh square feet of room that is involved by dump and garbage things and producing income adding up to Rs. 400 crore from scrap removal. In the last two missions, income adding up to Rs. 600 crores was acquired by arranging of office scrap.


Objective: To work on the general tidiness of government workplaces and upgrading public



Phases: The Extraordinary Lobby 3.0 will be coordinated in 2 stages: Preliminary stage (

September 15 to 30, 2023) and Execution stage ( October 2 to 31, 2023).


During Preliminary stage, Services/Divisions will prepare the workplaces or officials

furthermore, ground functionaries for the mission, recognize the pendency in chose classifications furthermore, conclude the mission locales and delegate nodal officials in every one of their mission workplaces, organize preparing for the nodal officials, and survey the volume of excess materials to be discarded, and settle the methodology for their removal.


The Execution stage will zero in on Swachhata and decreasing pendency in Government Workplaces with an immersion approach. In this stage services and offices will use the mission to further develop record the board and archive the prescribed procedures that developed during the mission.

2. Supreme Court of India onboards the National Judicial Data Grid Portal

Boss Equity of India (CJI) D Y Chandrachud reported that the High Court of India (SCI) has onboarded the Public Legal Information Matrix (NJDG) gateway, a leader venture of the e-Courts drive. The NJDG entryway is a public vault of information connecting with cases founded, forthcoming, and discarded by different courts across India.


The e-Courts project, which brought all three levels of the Indian judiciary onto the NJDG platform, was successfully completed with the SCI’s integration into the portal.


Since the NJDG is “sui generis,” which translates to “of its own kind,” uploading data to the NJDG will ensure accountability and transparency in the judicial domain.


NJDG Entry:


It has an interactive interface and analytics dashboard and was developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) in close collaboration with the SC Registry’s internal software development team.


The whole data set will be occasionally refreshed on the NJDG gateway consistently.

The NJDG-SCI entryway can be gotten to through the SC site.


Until now, the NJDG entrance stays unrivaled, giving residents simple admittance to

vital data about the Indian legal framework at the snap of a button.


Presently, with the snap of a button, one can see constant data on the pendency and

removal of cases, year-wise, the all out pendency of enrolled and unregistered cases, and

likewise the quantity of cases chose majority wise.


Advantages of the NJDG Portal:


  • Expanded straightforwardness
  • Responsibility and obligation
  • Further developed proficiency
  • Expanded coordination
  • Informed navigation
  • Ideal organization of assets and labor
  • Single wellspring of information
  • Immense potential for excellent examination work


Central issues:


The number of civil and criminal cases pending before three-, five-, and even nine-judge Benches, as well as the filing and disposition of cases in the preceding month, will be among the details that can be found on the NJDG-SCI portal.


NJDG is perceived as a huge development under the simplicity of carrying on with work drive of the Public authority of India.


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