How does TSPSC handle the issue of exam centers in remote or inaccessible areas of the state?

At Tirumal TSPSC Classes, we understand the significance of accessibility for all aspirants. To address the issue of exam centers in remote or inaccessible areas of the state, TSPSC employs the following strategies:

  • Provision of Nearby Centers: TSPSC strives to establish examination centers in the nearest accessible locations for candidates residing in remote areas.
  • Communication: Regular communication through official channels helps disseminate information regarding exam centers and any changes well in advance.
  • Assistance for Travel: TSPSC provides necessary guidance and assistance for travel arrangements to ensure candidates can reach their designated exam centers comfortably.
  • Accommodation Facilities: Where necessary, TSPSC facilitates arrangements for temporary accommodation near exam centers to support candidates from distant regions.

Through these measures, TSPSC ensures equitable opportunities for all aspirants, irrespective of their geographical location.

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